Ryan Radaker
Ryan has over 4 years experience. As the owner/operator of Radaker Health and Wellness, LLC and mother of 3 girls, her passion is helping people achieve their own health and wellness goals.
Ryan earned her M.A. from NYU and a B.A. from Wofford College. She is SPIN certified and and CPR certified. She also holds a Level 2 Certification from EDIT Eating Disorder Recovery as an addiction recovery coach. She is a certified nutritionist with Precision Nutrition.
Kyle Radaker
Director of RADLab
Kyle has over 30 years of experience in health and fitness.
Kyle earned his M.S. in Sport Science from UNC,Greensboro and a B.S. in Psychology from Duke University. He is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and a Cooper Institute "Lifetime Personal Fitness Specialist". Additionally, Kyle holds a lifetime level 3 SPIN certified coach. In addition, he is Precision Nutrition and CPR certified. He has held previous certifications with: Crossfit, Crossfit Kettlebells, NASM, USA Triathlon, and USA Cycling.